
Raffles - Pace Yourself - Running


A dopamine-releasing evening starts with a fluorescent night run in Chaoyang Park

On July 2, Raffles Hospital Beijing joined hands with Hi Running Club to host our 

inaugural "Pace Yourself" - Fluorescent Night Run.


Runners Gathering & Warm Up

At 6:00 pm, Raffles staff were all in heightened anticipation waiting for the runners 

to stream in. Warming up before the run is a necessity. Pacers were thoroughly briefed 

on all the running precautions. Even if it's your first run,

anyone can complete it with ease! 


Three Pacers led the runners at varying speed to accommodate different groups of 

runners. On your mark, get set,  Go---- Running!

At this moment, everyone is no longer hiding behind avatars in the pre-run Wechat 

groups. It's all about the moment and the people around you encouraging each other 

to push on.


Under the faint moonlight and  accompanying cool evening breeze, Chaoyang Park 

came to life as all the participants completed their "Little Monster" 6km route with 

pride and satisfaction! Everyone gathered at the finishing line to stretch, took 

Instagram ready photos and everyone walked away with a specially prepared gift by 

Raffles Medical Group.


Nearly 20 bloggers shared the event on social media.

What a perfect ending to the event!


The latest news of future Pace Yourself series events and more interesting and fun 

community events can be obtained by scanning the QR code below to add  Raffles 


We look forward to seeing you all!

Meet new people who share the same interests and believe in our wellness movement 

- "Pace Yourself" here!
