Promotions et forfaits

Health Screening Packages

The lifestyle and stress of modern living can have an adverse impact on our health, exposing us to silent killers such as heart disease, diabetes, hypertension and cancers. Regular health screening is vital as it detects diseases which do not produce early warning signs.

Gastroscopy and Colonoscopy Biopsy Package

2022-05-10 10:07:57
Gastroscopy and colonoscopy are the prime choice and most effective way for early detection of gastric cancer and colonic cancer!

Raffles Reiuvenation Day

2024-04-16 14:42:54
Hospital Grade Aesthetics by Medical Professionals

Cataract and Glaucoma Screening Package

2023-04-26 14:56:37

Dry eye disease screening package

2023-04-26 15:32:04

Consultation coupon for Medical Aesthetics (For Customised Skin Treatment Plan)

2024-04-10 11:21:53

Invisalign Package

2020-10-31 06:25:43
Invisalign Package

Pain and Injury Physiotherapy Programme

2024-04-16 14:28:14
Pain and Injury Physiotherapy Programme